Unpopular opinion: the worst part of working in public accounting is listening to people who haven’t worked a day outside Big 4 in their lives complain about how much they hate it.

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I worked at PwC for 5 years and was absolutely miserable, especially when the botched “digital upskilling” and “alteryx is a solution for everything” mantra was adopted. I left almost a year ago and I am so much happier while still doing exactly the same work I was doing before.


The Alteryx role out was rough because no one really knew how to use it, but we were expected to implement it. A couple years in, now that there are folks who are skilled in it and our incoming staff don’t know life without it, it has turned into a very powerful tool that has literally saved hundreds of hours from my audit (and will continue to do so every year)

Agreed. I grew up working construction. The client asked me how we do it because our job looks objectively terrible. I told him that, yeah it can be bad with long hours and bad clients, but my dad is 60 years old, works 6 days a week year around, works in the heat, works in the cold, and makes about half of what I do. Of course there are “better” jobs but at the end of the day I’m working for a firm with good resources, I get paid decently well, I have friends at the firm, and when I’m killing myself in February at least I am in an office with heat rather swinging a hammer in a house that is 28 degrees.


My mom was a kindergarten teacher and my grandfather a clerk for the local federal reserve branch. As someone from a working class background (if white collar), public accounting is very much a step up still.

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I hate to admit it but ppl like that actually have a huge impact on my morale (negative). I dont know why ppl dont just leave if they hate their job


100% agree. My morale is impacted by people who have no clue what they’re talking about complain about how much their life sucks when it’s honestly a great job.


I can think of 100 things that are much worse about public accounting.


Not sure I agree with you, it doesn’t take outside comparison for people to realize that something is bad for them mentally and physically.


Yeah, they are. Most people with a 4 year degree get paid less and work as much or more than us and have significantly less flexibility and worse benefits. Public accounting isn’t perfect, but it beats the hell out of a ton of other jobs.


The experience varies vastly often between people in the same group, I had people in my starting class work 50-60 hours a week during busy season and are unassigned now and know people who have been doing 80 hours plus since the start of January, obviously those people will have different opinions which is why some people complain more than others


Came from a regional firm to PwC. My life was hell at that regional before I got here


Switched careers mid-20s. Worked at both smaller orgs and large orgs. What people here complain about is what people at other companies call “being a good employer.”


I’ve worked PA (Big 4 7 years, plus 4 years GT). I’ve also worked in Industry for 4 years and now work in a law firm. Every organization has its pluses and minuses. With that said, I can say that without question working at GT was great because I already worked Big 4 for 7 years and knew that despite people’s complaints about GT hours, it was nothing compared to what I worked when I was a young Big 4 associate.

In addition, the flexibility that public accounting provides is unmatched. The pay ain’t bad either.

Finally, working in Big 4 is almost like being in a special fraternity. Once you work there it’s always on your resume and it says something about you. It is also an incredible networking tool. I know people who worked at Arthur Andersen together over 20 years ago and they still talk about it!

Point being, as much of a pain in the butt that it is, it is definitely worth it.


I don't think I've heard of this opinion exactly but it sounds hard to argue against to be "unpopular".

Definitely agree though, you can quit at any time*!


Went to industry and left after a month. Jan -feb.
They were paying 87k compared to the 69kni make now. Public accounting got incredible flexibility! Don’t take that for granted and always inquire from potential employers on their flexibility threshold before you join them!


I feel similarly. The people that consistently complain about it are going to find things to complain about and that doesn’t help morale. It’s not perfect and there may be better things, but complaining neither helps you get more from big 4 nor helps you find that next better opportunity


I want to go back to B4 pretty badly. Every day that seems like less and less of a possibility.

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