Unvaccinated people need to stop with the “but if you’re vaccinated why do you care” argument. Unvaccinated people are akin to drunk drivers. Even if I am sober and wearing my seatbelt, a drunk driver could still cause serious harm to me, my family, and those I care about. An unvaccinated person has a higher likelihood of catching and spreading Covid to others because they are cowards who care only about themselves. You are harming other people.

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Based on other threads, there’s no convincing selfish strangers to stop being selfish. Perhaps the vaccination rates will go up a bit when the vaccines have full FDA approval. Perhaps rates also go up as some companies require vaccines. And the comfort levels of vaccinated parents will go up when young kids can also get the vaccine.


Not to mention kids can’t get the vaccine yet, so they contribute to the risk children are facing with covid. Selfish as HELL. Do it for the kids, Jesus Christ.


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Those who successfully made it through MBB cases - how did you feel going into round 1 in person?

Hello everyone, this bowl is just the start. We will make it big. Request you to stay here after joining. Meanwhile, do share this in your network. It would be a great help.

Till the time this bowl is growing, you can post confessions, advice, requests etc.

Use the format:
Age, Gender[M,F or any other]
Then your post.


Just recently found out Im pregnant and another 33 week wait looks like forever. Any tips to cope with it?

How do you handle micro managers? I’m a second year transactional associate and for the most part the partners and senior associates I work for trust me to get the work done. But this one guy is constantly checking up on me, asking for status of deliverables long before the deadlines he gave me, and just generally pestering me on everything I do. I am going to go insane if don’t figure out a way to stop this.


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I am looking for the job in Master data management (OTC ) process please suggest..


I'm looking for a referral in KPMG position.


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Additional Posts in The Worklife Bowl

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God save the POTUS


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Any recommendations for a beard trimmer?

Can spend around $100, looking for a legit product that provides a clean trim.


I’m 32F living in one of the most expensive non-US cities worldwide. I reevaluated my financial plans and would like to get your thoughts and pointers from the wiser fellow here.
Have a 380k usd net worth, and my financial goals are:
1. Buy a first home
2. Children education to top university (single, no kids now. But i know this is what I want someday)
3. Retirement by 55
I don’t actively invest in this period, but keen to know how others do it & choose the right invsmt vehicle for above goals.


How do you deal with bosses or clients who throw tantrums? Either ranting about something or being passive aggressive and snarky? I usually just smile and take it, but I don’t feel like we get paid enough to deal with this stuff as often as we do in audit.


I want to buy Pokémon cards for my nephew for Christmas. whats the best way to buy packs?


I have subscribed to a financial newspaper which doesn't print on Sundays. Those few minutes on Sundays feel empty as a result. Think I could use some good reading at that time. Any suggestions? Do you read any magazines on weekends?


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Who’s looking to open an account ? 👀

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Anyone here a freelance UI/UX + Web Designer? Or can recommend anyone?

DM me (with portfolio if possible)!


Cant wait until the work day is over so I can nap.


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Monday morning, don’t we just love it?!?
We just got yet another opportunity to crush our goals, to be positive and became a better version of ourselves. Mondays are a reminder to start afresh!!! Go out there and be great!!!

Remember, you’re not your mistakes, setbacks, tough client meetings etc. None of that define you. Wishing everyone a great week.
