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he overrides my objections and blows up my week. And then he's proven wrong later / my assessment that this project is not that urgent or not needed at all is proven correct. So far I'm 4.5 for 5.
just downloaded it. thank you for the recommendation!
I’m at a small firm and three of the six partners I work for are the same way. I am planning on leaving the firm because of it. One is so bad about having me do things ASAP, and then having me revise the work...and then weeks or months later wants it back to a previous version. I have kept a Word doc for three years detailing instances where this partner has had me go pencils down on my entire workload to do X, then had me change it to Y, and then at some later date ask me why on earth I did Y when we need to do X. It’s okay to change your mind but not everything is an immediate fire, and not everything is my fault.
Yeah, I pretty much need therapy after 3 years of it! 😅
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Industry or consulting.
Industry. (hah, in consulting this was the norm 😂)