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I don’t know guys. I think this is the best boy.

Sometimes she just sits and stares

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All of us that are in loss 😜

Let me know when and where
How low will it go? 20s 😳
Get ready for weekend dips
Buy back on Sunday?
New to Fishbowl?
unlock all discussions on Fishbowl.
Given this was posted in “ everything crypto” bowl .. I think OP meant loses in crypto 🤦🏻♂️
Lost all my money in legacy market. So I came to crypto market.
Recently spent 6ish hours on a motion to compel discovery against a defendant who has just been gaming the process since the beginning. Lying to the judge even. So I was excited to get a solid motion against them. Had my associate colleague file it. She accidentally filed the Memo twice instead of filing the Memo and Sep Statement. I was working on a different deadline when it was filed so I didn’t double check the final filing. Only realized it the next day when I was calendaring the hearing. Had to withdraw the motion within 24 hours of filing. Only the most recent L. They happen and they make us stronger. It’s not how we handle success, it’s how we handle failure that will propel us forward.