“We will remain open because it’s the right thing to do for our clients.”

What about your employees and their families?

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We’ve been working remote since Wednesday and we’re also hiring a lot. Just sayin.


Must be a recruiter... 👻

By remaining open and guilting people to come into the office you’re putting everyone at risk. BBDO leadership needs to wake the f**k up.

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Client side here 🙋🏻‍♀️ We are working remote and you should be able to do so too. 🖤


Dream client with EQ

Why does Omnicom seem to think that working from home means being closed! I’m sorry that you have to deal with this and I hope they allow everyone to work remotely soon...


This evening. After the announcement. Infuriating, careless, negligent, tactless...just all around awful.


That's fucked up. Good luck and look. You can say that in any interview, we'll get it.


Right, because making more ads will fix everything.


It’s not gonna matter in a few weeks when all the production companies go into social isolation mode....


This won’t last. The cities will be on government ordered lockdown very soon. But it’s a nice look-in at the motivations at the top of the corporate network food chain and how utterly detached that 1% (or less) is from the heart of their orgs, their employees and basic human decency.


I bet the course will change by Sunday night. The amount of cases in NY, where decisions are being made, will go up and their justification will change.


Oh yeah, same here. Leaders are showing true colors right now.


Open and work from home are two different things. Just work from home. Fuck it, they can’t force you to come in and you have the internet.


They can retaliate against you. No one here feels comfortable doing that after the communications we’ve gotten this week. They’re shaming people into coming in.


It’s all of our social responsibilities to limit the spread, if not for ourselves then for the people at risk that we may come into contact with. Continuing to force people to come into work (hope you don’t have to ride the subway...?) is literally shirking a corporate social responsibility and makes them look foolish and sweatshop-y. Boourns.


FCB is closed and everyone is to work from home


The virus is showing the dark underbelly of holding companies.


People will not soon forget. Mark my words.


WPP sent an email. Starting next week, all agencies (globally) will be WFH.



Omnicom and WPP are in bed together. BCW is also still open, because client needs come before employees. Duh!😩


@SVP2 “I will be attending this meeting remotely given that i don’t want to unintentionally infect anyone in the company if I’m infected without symptoms, or potentially get infected by someone that is currently not showing symptoms and put myself/my family at risk.”


In an age where all we do is instruct brands son how to be socially responsible, this is pretty incredible to hear. I can’t wait for this to blow over and everyone to quit.



All other agencies staff should hashtag our sincere concerns for our fellow industry BBDO peers


Can’t you be open and work from home? I don’t get it.


You’re not wrong, but the market has been total shit this year. Trust me, most people in this office would love to work elsewhere :/. Not a great time to job search unfortunately.

Trying to stay alive, pay the bills, and stay on health insurance in this dystopian nightmare 😷.


If your boss schedules an in person meeting next week - no option for dial in- then that’s a problem. Politics on the highest level.


Just say, “Would you mind adding a dial in. I do not feel comfortable traveling on public transportation given the Coronavirus and will be working from home per instructions from local city officials...”


Publicis is “open” but encouraging people to work from home. Could be worse I guess...


Yup. A few hiccups but I think everyone is working their hardest to make things work. We are all in this together.



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