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Doofus, I don’t think you understand the point you yourself were trying to make - it comes from a very ignorant point of view. I’d suggest you educate yourself before showing your lack of education and awareness to future dates. Red Flag appropriate
Honestly if someone knows a word is offensive and then proceeded to say it, I would run for the hills. It’s extremely mature and generous of the woman to have provided you with feedback.
Also, just because a group of people say a slur that they are personally impacted by, doesn’t mean it’s okay for someone not part of that group to say that slur. Some people use slurs as a way of reclaiming the meaning. Food for thought.
@M1 I feel like you can just say “n word”, if you need to make a reference to it.
OP said they were talking about slurs and he had already made his point before deciding to list a ton off. Why the need to list off? There’s no need. You communicated your point.
Red flag: teasing an interesting detail and then never getting to it. 🚩 🚩
The most heinous one: The topic of slurs comes up, said I never call people these things because they’re offensive but people shouldn’t be afraid of words especially when certain group of people use them liberally… then I proceed to list out these slurs out as examples to show contradiction 🤦♂️
Huge 🚩
@OP: did you go hard r on the n word?
Both the r and the n words.
At this point take away the keys to OP’s excavator they’re hitting the earth’s core.
Someone take OP’s shovel away. That hole is plenty deep
Honestly thank her for any feedback she provided. People are afraid to give feedback and so we don’t tend to reflect or even consider areas to improve.
Work with a therapist or relationship coach, no shame.
Thank you everyone for the comments and humor. Ultimately it’s my lost. The roasting helps with the guilt I’m feeling. Still hesitant on going to therapy but I’ll do my research
Tbf it’s sad to hear that you use such language, I’d advise you to be more open minded of others so you can understand how the other party feels.