The extreme would be to talk to your doctor about prescriptions that could help, but before going there you could try Advil pm, try meditation apps or storytelling podcasts (the moth, this American life) that can help get you out of your own thoughts, cbd oil has also worked for some I know, working out that day (strength training especially), make sure you have light filters on your devices starting 8:30pm and try to limit device use as early as possible, white noise machine may also be worth looking into... these are all options and some work better for different people so it’s worth trying them out and seeing what combos do it for you
Work around the those sleepless nights. For me, I accepted that I will have these nights usually after long day of meetings or working late in night or before big presentations. I try to find balance and make up for my lost sleep on other days, also try to identify triggers that effect my sleep. One of my biggest findings was that eating an hour before sleep doesnt allow me to sleep at all, and if I drink warm water just before sleeping, I am able to manage a light sleep (though none of the deep and RME sleep). Also, try following the usual recommendations and see if anything works for you. This is almost like self treatment and you need to try techniques to figure out what works for you! Good luck...
Morning after night vigils are bad and yes, I feel like I have a brain Fog so bad that hangovers are put to shame! Having said that I manage it by focusing on administrative work. Things like reimbursement or status meetings or grocery list etc... I know I will not be at my best early am, but I also know that if I continue doing stuff, I will gradually feel better around noon. I try to finish earlier and really try hard, to hit the gym, take a hot shower, and then avoid all electronic connections and go to bed by 9 PM for a long night of restful sleep. It's hard, and there are many days I fail miserable and become super cranky, but as with life, we all pick ourselves up, dust our failures and move on...
Hi can someone from Accenture please schedule my interview as next week is my last working day in my current organization my CID is 10566137. I am not getting any response for my queries in their portal.
Exercise early in the day, warm baths at night and no electronics two hours before bed
Have you tried using amber tinted glasses when using tech at night? Highly recommend Theraspecs
The extreme would be to talk to your doctor about prescriptions that could help, but before going there you could try Advil pm, try meditation apps or storytelling podcasts (the moth, this American life) that can help get you out of your own thoughts, cbd oil has also worked for some I know, working out that day (strength training especially), make sure you have light filters on your devices starting 8:30pm and try to limit device use as early as possible, white noise machine may also be worth looking into... these are all options and some work better for different people so it’s worth trying them out and seeing what combos do it for you
Have you tried taking melatonin?
My night time combo is CV Science CBD soft gels (3), Magnesium Taurete (3), Cognitive Aminos (2). That shuts my brain off
Work around the those sleepless nights. For me, I accepted that I will have these nights usually after long day of meetings or working late in night or before big presentations. I try to find balance and make up for my lost sleep on other days, also try to identify triggers that effect my sleep. One of my biggest findings was that eating an hour before sleep doesnt allow me to sleep at all, and if I drink warm water just before sleeping, I am able to manage a light sleep (though none of the deep and RME sleep). Also, try following the usual recommendations and see if anything works for you. This is almost like self treatment and you need to try techniques to figure out what works for you! Good luck...
Morning after night vigils are bad and yes, I feel like I have a brain Fog so bad that hangovers are put to shame! Having said that I manage it by focusing on administrative work. Things like reimbursement or status meetings or grocery list etc... I know I will not be at my best early am, but I also know that if I continue doing stuff, I will gradually feel better around noon. I try to finish earlier and really try hard, to hit the gym, take a hot shower, and then avoid all electronic connections and go to bed by 9 PM for a long night of restful sleep. It's hard, and there are many days I fail miserable and become super cranky, but as with life, we all pick ourselves up, dust our failures and move on...
Have you tried marijuana products?? (If legal in your state) Has definitely helped me sleep
Unfortunately not legal in my country ;)
Get a prescription for Ambien.