What are signs that you’re working in a negative work environment? asking as a new bee. Right now I’m in a complete customer facing role with the lot of stuff around internal team. Really wants to know what are the signs of a negative work environment and people.

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Feeling like you are being micromanaged


Micromanagement, unprofessional conversation, Sunday scaries, not knowing who to trust, guarding of what should be common or universally available resources or processes,obvious favoritism.


When your coworkers start avoiding your eye contact. You will feel it in your bones. When you wake up in the morning for work and the first thing you think about telling yourself “ Oh my God, I don’t feel like dealing with that place again” while you are rolling your eyes😂


The signs are:
1. You are not allowed to contribute in meetings or important team discussions.
2. You feel isolated and working in a silo while not knowing what decision are being made about you or your work without getting your approval or including you in the process.
3. Setting you for failure by not making you aware of changing policies or work schedules.
4. Watching you like a hawk to pounce on you when you make a mistakes and making a big deal for no apparent reason.
5. Mistreating and demeaning you making personal attacks or comments on things like the way you dress, married/single, food you eat or the kind of car you drive.
6. Scheduling meetings when you are not available or people in your team taking day off when important work need to be completed leaving you off guard without prior notice.
7. Intimidating you using some favorite people who are well supported and promoted without any credibility of skills or experience.
8. Denying vacation or study time, overburdening you giving fellow workers privilegedges.
9. You have your lunch at 4 pm or even skip it.
10. When you go home you keep thinking about work and spend sleepless nights to the point of getting sick or even leading to burnout.
11. Not giving you feedback or performance review.
12. No salary increase or backup.
13. Your sick time is not used and so does your vacation time because there is nobody to fill in your position when you are away.
14. You feel under pressure and anxious of losing your job or getting fire despite putting best efforts and doing work deligently.
15. You begin to lose interest in going out with friends or avoid parties.
16. You stop growing professionally while or getting a new degree.
17. Your phone and laptop is tracked and social media account shows people visiting and following you from work.
18. People act unfriendly and corner you or insult and humiliate you often.
This is what has been happening at my work
at Montefiore and Einstein which was awarded one of the best places to work.


I knew I worked in a negative work environment when I could not sleep every Sunday night because I dreaded Monday mornings.


Yes! Very accurate. Even getting up the other days of the week became so horrible!


Not having management’s support. Having nonchalant management that doesn’t address issues within the team in a timely manner will lead to disaster.


Being talked down to or openly bullied on intra office messaging systems like Slack.


In front of the whole company I should have specified lol

Promotions and raises are dependent on who gets along with whom, who sucks up to whom and who is in the "inner clique" with the higher ups, not who's actually good at their job, diligent, innovative with solutions, trying to better the company etc. This creates animosity at work.


Having to ask that w…


Well, if your work environment starts to feel a little too much like high school... it is a pretty toxic place to be.


Being micromanaged. Personal time and breaks not being respected. Being talked down when committing an unintentional mistake.


When you have thoughts of driving into the ditch on your way to work basically. Wanting to skip work is not a good sign. Hope you get to work in a good place.


Red flags after working for 4 yrs!
1. Seeing good employees leave due to lack of recognition and opportunities to grow.
2. How they will promote or recognize the same employees over and over. (Even when everyone knows they don’t do anything)
3. Getting in trouble for things you didn’t do! Even if you have someone backing up your story in multiple ways!.
4. Getting harassed to show evidence about agreements that where done verbally between 2-3 people.
5. Feels like high school all over again
6. Having to watch your back about what you say and do.


I really like the work I’m doing but haveing these like mentioned above is killing me!
And also don’t know how to deal with it :(


I changed careers recently because of these things.


you sit in your car and cry for a few minutes before walking in the door. I've been in that situation before and it's not a good look for anyone. Wish you success!


You can actually see how an environment is through the person in charge. If the department is being managed by a toxic person, you already know how dysfunctional it is in there. Two, there is no communication, if there is then I guarantee you it's filled with aggression. Three, people don't trust each other. Four, employees are not valued. Five, there are no boundaries, whatsoever.


When you’re new id look at your coworkers. Are they happy or at least not miserable? If they are miserable and barely getting by day to day that’s a red flag to me.


I’ve noticed a change in the office environment I was in previously. Where it used to be uplifting, and everyone was praising and encouraging everyone. It slowly changed to an ongoing unending conversation about accountability and how leadership isn’t holding those below them accountable. And it was like that every. Single. Meeting. My department was doing well so it was really another department that was singled out with the accountability piece. I constantly felt like I was an outsider visiting while “mom scolded the kids” over and over. On top of that. The office gossip was really just out of control. People were routinely making comments like “oh don’t trust this guy” and “she will turn on you”. The tension was constant and it became intolerable.


A good job will let you ask questions so you can improve. You feel like you can't ask questions. Either you don't feel safe or comfortable enough or if you do your questions are dismissed or you are belittled in response (at any level).

Recommend asking open questions requiring a response and just listening when no one thinks you are listening. We just had a staff change. Our negative Nelly is gone even my patients noticed a difference

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