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Oh hi @SC1, I see you're doing the "if they're making fun of social, they must be old, and if they're old, they must be sensitive about it" stuff.
1. These responses are inevitable in threads like this. Theyre boring, and here you are right on time. At least I used the word weevil, come on, try harder.
2. Social is not emerging. Its 6 or even 10 years old. It sucks, and everyone hates making it--Im guessing you included.
3. I am not embarrassed about being over 40 and having instincts about creative that people will enjoy, or tired office buzzwords and briefs that coworkers will not.
4. Print and DM definitely still exist, and I never totally loved them either, but sure go ahead and make fun of how they're not ideal to work a fucking snapchat story or ig influencer "effort," they are kind of shit work arent they?
Im a Millennial, I dont want ads I want experiences, I go like this, duh duh duh, I have an entrepreneurial midset
I would rather have my skin chewed off by weevils than look at a social ad. Besides ARENT THEY NOT ADS BUT CONVERSATIONS AMIRITE
Purple mattresses just did a video with Tim & Eric. It’s pretty good.
Good stuff, BBDO person. Sounds like you’re taking a considered, professional approach to emerging media, and have a healthy respect for your target audience. This approach is sure to land you many prestigious jobs in your future.
While I have you, can you tell me a little bit about how print isn’t dead? Maybe you have some outstanding direct mail in your book you can show me?
I didn’t say anything about your age. I’m on the wrong side of 35 myself What I was referring to was more the idea of “traditional” work. It’s not like everything else we do is sexy and fun. Most of what we do...isn’t
I don’t love social. You’re right about that. What I do care about is the premise that a great idea can happen anywhere, and reactions like yours are of the type that limit creative thinking. Frankly, they’re counterproductive.
I’m not saying influencer campaigns and snap stories are amazing works of art that should be celebrated. My point was that, like it or not, it’s where our industry is spending a metric fuckton of money. As someone who wouldn’t mind continuing to have a job for the next 20 years, I choose to look for opportunities instead of ripping on millennials. Which - by the way - is where you lost the points you earned by using “weevils.”
Well sure, and maybe I could have been more clear, I meant to rip on the agency mindset on the same simplistic Millennial Brief I've seen about 40 times in the last few years, not necessarily Mills themselves (although my hands arent clean there either).
By the way that tired agency language extends to "a big idea can come from anywhere" too, at least in my opinion. I've lamented elsewhere on 🐠 that the sharknado of social briefs is really just the clients not wanting to spend any money, and/or the agency trying to generate income.
But you're right, god help me I do love traditional. Its why I got into the business back in 1914, and its still what I look forward to today. (Im lucky to be at a place that still respects it and makes money off it....somehow).
It sounds like we're not so different you and I. Mostly I get tired of the buzzwords and strategy talk. Doing work of any kind can still be fun, at least in the beginning stages. (But all influencers could drown in a freak bus accident and Id be fine)
@Senior Copywriter 1
But you’re wrong. A great idea doesn’t happen anywhere. When I say this, I mean a big ad idea that uses multiple mediums to express the idea almost always starts in broadcast. Please give me one example of an idea that started in social and extended outwards. Your thinking limits creativity. It’s not the other way around.
I haven't seen anything truly social only on a while. That I can think of.
The last great social only thing I saw was @sweden on twitter. But that has to be three years old.
Most ideas today just run as paid video on social.