What are some hard skills you’ve learned that have helped propel your career and earning potential?
Fresh out of school all I knew was print and static digital design. Over the years I had self taught myself UI/UX, video editing, and 2D motion design. Having these skills in my toolkit has allowed me to move ahead and more than double my salary in 3 short years.
I’ve been stagnating for a while now, but I’ve been eyeing learning Cinema 4D and getting into AR design as my next skill set.
Mad kudos on your career progression, I'm kinda trying to do something similar with 3D and motion graphics. Learning animation skills has definitely set me apart and is creating more opportunities than I'd have if I just worked in static digital media.
Just my 2¢: AR is in increasingly high demand, but IMO, it's still mostly a gimmick that doesn't actually impact audiences nearly as much as the hype would lead you to believe (most of the hype is coming from brands thinking it's the next big thing, not really from audiences themselves.) I'd focus on core 3D skills first to build a good foundation. I'm a Blender native, but C4D is probably my next tool to learn.
Thanks man, seems like you have a similar progression to me as well - animation unlocks so much potential!
My primary goal will be to learn 3D skills and a secondary goal to become knowledgeable of its interoperability with AR filters and the like.
Develop your EQ.