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"Just make it beautiful toothpaste porn."
Ticket to Ride (the European one)!
Ditto this.
Backgammon is the strategists’ game of choice!
Strategists love Twister, because it reminds us of our own decks.
Loved Stratego as a kid and love it just as much now
I love Dixit!
Puerto Rico or Charty Party
Wingspan and Seven Wonders are good. Another fun one that's less about resource strategy and more focused on knowing your competitors is Skull.
I second Wingspan! Such a great game.
How much of a board game person is the recipient? I play a LOT of board games and there are varying degrees depending on the person’s interest in games.
A few of my favs:
Splendor (a little easier of a play)
Castles of Burgundy
Jaipur (also easy)
All of the above I listed are also good 2-player games.
A board game called Pitch Deck — a lot of fun!
Risk, or Hive
Terraforming Mars
I second Catan and would put Stone Age as a good alt
Not a board game—unless there’s a physical version I’m unaware of—but I have been equally addicted and frustrated by Civilization. It’s available on virtually all gaming counsels as well as pc/mac.