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Depends whether you cave and go back into the office full time 😡
I’m more interested in the “how” than the actual odds.
Subject Expert
The real answer is that this type of thing will come and go with the economy. Next time there’s a big round of layoffs, the firms can do whatever they want and people will be desperate enough to put up with it. When the market is hot, associates will have more power again. It’s just the way of the world, at least without unionizing.
This will die down with RTO. Part of the training process of a first job is transitioning workers from the school environment to the professional one. Workers are acting like entitled college students because they never transitioned. [Not saying companies are 100% right and worker are 100% wrong]
Subject Expert
Just in my career I’ve seen the market swing twice between firms desperate to keep associates (dot com bubble and the years leading up to the 2008 financial crash) and associates willing to take basically anything to keep a job (the dot com crash years and the years following the crash). Right now firms are willing to do what they need to keep associates. The market will swing eventually. Younger lawyers just haven’t seen it happen yet. I hope wfh stays a part of firm life when it happens but it won’t shock me to see firms clamp down.
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