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Who is the recruiter for BBDO?
Any and all thoughts about essence partners?
Scammiest piece of work of 2019?
Who is the recruiter for BBDO?
Any and all thoughts about essence partners?
Scammiest piece of work of 2019?
It depends a lot on the hiring manager's approach and leadership philosophy. For me, advanced Excel skills are the only hard prerequisite; the only thing I wouldn't have time for you to learn on the job. Aside from that, I care about two things more than anything else: that you're really smart, and that you're insanely curious. I could care less whether you already have a background in digital media, social, direct marketing, etc. If you have those two fundamental qualities, you can learn anything. Conversely, another candidate might have relevant experience, but if smarts & curiosity aren't evident, they can't be learned.
a solid background in Excel. good stats/math background and general quantitative aptitude. I’ve seen candidates with a little Tableau (there are videos online) and their resumes rise to the top.
Thank you Director & VP 🙏🏼 time to brush up on excel
I agree with VP - I could care less where you came from. My best hire was straight out of undergrad and was a Snr analyst within 6 months. My second best hire came from legal research.
general recruiters struggle in this area (and not their fault) because they don’t know the attributes of what makes a good analyst.