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Hello! I am looking for two new Texas teachers (0-5 years) who would be interested in participating in a study I am doing as a Doctoral Candidate at Baylor. The study looks to understand the experiences women working in the field of education have had that triggered shame and explore their resilience. If you are interested, click the link below to get started:
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Stephanie Asselin
She's not happy that only one day left before Monday
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Stg if I hear one more person say “high level”….
New to Fishbowl?
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A Swim In A Pond In The Rain
Feels like taking a writing class that I would never be able to get in, in the best way.
Breakfast of Champions and Player Piano too.
Never a book but a quote or bit of advice here and there. Best: Hemingway, Write drunk, edit sober. Meaning is bigger than booze of course… just put it all down on paper fearlessly. Cut the weak shiz out afterwards. Just start.
On earth we’re briefly gorgeous.
A24 is adapting it for a film.
Ann Lamont’s Bird by Bird
Second Vonnegut.
John Schwartzwelder.
William Styron.
I quickly read Schwarzenegger and was: ok tell me more
Dreyer’s English is the most informative and fun book about words I’ve ever read.
Diary of an Oxygen Thief
Poetry. Sharon Olds, Yehuda Amichai, W.H. Auden, Wallace Stevens, Sylvia Plath, Naomi Shihab Nye are some of my favorites. This is likely a controversial opinion in the academic world, but skip the long poems and read the very short ones. That’s where the craft is - at least the craft we need for this job.
On The Road.
I’ve always liked books from Michael Lewis (The Blind Side, The Big Short). I feel that his writing style and storytelling complement each other well and wouldn’t be surprised if I’ve subconsciously picked up a few good writing practices from him.
Reading Esquire magazine back in the day really helped my cadence
Joseph Heller’s Catch 22 is outstanding. Especially for dialogue. Nicola Barker’s Darkmans, for ingenuity.
If you ARE interested in a how to book, recommend Hey Whipple Squeeze This