What do people do after PE? It doesn't seem like a forever job.
Following the typical 2 year IB/MBB then PE stint, what are the typical career paths? Do people tend to stay in the investing world and basically give up on general management at big companies ?
The handcuffs get tighter when it comes to carry. I didn’t plan to stay here forever but now I’m a VP sitting on 1% of carry and don’t know if I can stomach leaving this much money on the table
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Also a PE VP, it’s great. Hard work but interesting and not mindless
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It is a forever job, if you want to stay in investing (I’m including moving to other funds or strategies). If you aren’t interested in investing, I’m not sure if PE is really worth pursuing
Community Builder
Exactly, if you don’t want the WLB then you probably have to move industries, in which case there’s not much point going into PE to begin with. Having said that, there could be some chiller investing roles (family offices, asset management, etc) with better WLB that a PE background could be helpful for, potentially
I know a friend at a PE company that has really great wlb, less than 50 hours a week.
Who said it is a he? And extremely high with good carry.