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Im so happy! I just paid off all my debts!
Rip anyone with a variable rate mortgage
How do I get over a crush on a partner? 🤭
I am dreaming about fresh vegetables!
Most of my clients are reits so my view could be biased. But reits generally charge a very high fee from investors, like 8% plus share in additional gains. That exists for a reason. I just don’t think crow funding reits with a much lower fee and near zero transparency make sense. The risk is too high for some passsive income. How much liquidity do they have? How well they can pick properties? How much premium they are paying for renovations and maintains due to their relative lack of experience compared to established reits
Thank you so much
I currently have a smaller portion of my investment funds allocated to FundRise. I got in back in 2018 and currently have 12.5% weighted average returns. They lock your funds for 5 years minimum, so liquidity is the main thing to watch out for.
I appreciate that