What do you do if you hate your partner?

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Honestly, hiring teams is an idiotic practice. You have no idea who is carrying who. It should be individual hires. Tying your career to another is tomfoolery.


Yeah, I’ve been in a similar situation recently. It’s not fun. All I can really think to do is leave. It won’t make anyone look good if you ask to be separated.


Depends if you get to great work or not. I’ve hated my partner and we sucked together. I’ve also hated a different partner and we made amazing things. Never hung out together or had a thing to say to each other if it wasn’t related to the projects we were on but it was a fruitful partnership. If the creative chemistry is right, that’s way more important than the interpersonal vibe.


Part of why I’m so frustrated with them is cause the work is not good,


Look for a job somewhere else. Your success is more important.


this is the only right answer. when partners split it at the same shop it usually ends badly for at least one of them. you simply have to leave.


What do we say to the God of Death?


I don’t think there is a simple answer to this. I came to this realisation and we decided to split because we weren’t helping each other make great work. I spoke to my manager and HR about it. At first they were supportive and said we could work as solos but quite quickly they changed their minds and made us both resign on the basis that we had been hired as a team and if we weren’t operating as a team we weren’t holding up our end of the bargain (of course this was total BS and not in our individual contracts). I’ve been working happily as a solo elsewhere ever since, but the experience hasn’t put me off working as part of team again in future.


Break Up (Bye Bye)


Ugh that’s terrifying

Sorry 😣 I don’t think ours was a “normal” experience, if it’s any consolation

So don’t say anything, hope that you don’t get fired and try to survive for a year or something?

Work or romantic?

Haha both, no work

Watch the sopranos. The answer is there.

Hate them for dropping the ball or personally?

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