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Anybody have some good leads on housing in NOVA?
Dogecoin🤔 Hold or sell?
Would you get the Tesla 3?
Take care of YOU! ❤️
Single male: 10% tithe to the church. 401k: max out $18,000/year. I heard it’s increased to $18,500/year now. So, I have to contribute that this year. 5% Mutual funds. Mind you I have no debt at all; no student loans, no credit card debts, no car payment. I plan to get into stocks this year. Already, met a financial advisor. So, we will see.
Not only did I learned tons of financial lessons and apply it in my daily life. True confession, prior to reading this book my credit score was 538 in 2012. My credit score is 787 now. Checked it today. Hoping to raise it to over 800 this year. Just read the book.
D3 been listening to Dave Ramsey 💰
~40 - 50
Traditional 401k max; Roth IRA max; Savings account ~ 10-12k/yr; stocks ~ 10k/yr; money towards home downpayment ~12k/yr. Then some other investments.
Negative savings New York is expensive.
Honestly, saving didn’t really happen until that point you’ve bought most of what you want and need...
30% approx
Lol those who reply, please let us know if single or married with x kids. I find it hard to save with 2 kids
Used to be 37.5%, then started trading crypto with credit cards (had zero debt before), and was making gains, but was reinvesting, instead of paying off credit cards. That 37.5% now goes towards debt which is a lesson learnt, and I have quite a bit of it lol...
A must read to everyone. Believe me, you be glad you did. Mark my words and thank me later. 😊👌
Including retirement ~15% on gross. Married no kids. Saving for a down payment on a condo. Should have it in like 30 years.
If you count 401k as savings, 15% (taken out before I even see it). If you mean a savings account that I put money in and never touch? 1-5%. (I have a house and three kids...)
As a couple, we probably save about 50% of our combined earnings. We use my account to save, so close to 100% saved in my account, SO's account for expenses. We end up saving maybe 5-10% of SO's account. Married and 1 child.
Zero, no kids. Mortgage cuz I got a house, switching jobs for pay increase, plan is to have little more savings etc and pay off a little on this for equity- will be doing commercial real estate long term, not trying to stay in job.
~80%, Husband takes care of the major bills, I just take care of my car and student loan payment. No credit card debt and not a big spender.
Advisory Consultant 1: Honestly, not been listening to Dave Ramsey. I read a book titled “Debt Cures, They don’t want you to know about” by Kevin Trudeau. It changed the way I handle my finances and opened my eyes to a lot of things Americans don’t know. Thank goodness I read the book cover to cover when I was in graduate school in 2012. I have recommended it to all my siblings and friends.