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I am looking to learn more about the NPI program manager role at Apple. Specifically want to understand the following:
1. What's exactly the day to day beyond the fluff job post?
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Thanks in advance!
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Companies have chosen not to continue their business with Parler. Saying that Parler has been banned is an exaggeration.
That said, I fully support companies’ freedom in choosing who they do business with.
Rising Star
Parler repeatedly violated the terms and conditions of being on AWS even after they were warned about their content. I have no problem with them being taken down.
This whole concept that people think that they can do and say whatever they want without any consequences for their actions is out of control. If you violate the terms of being in an establishment, you are asked to leave. “No shirt, no shoes, no service.” We all seem to understand that concept. We also seem to understand that if someone is at a bar and berating other patrons and being an a$$ and making it miserable for everyone else that person would be asked to leave. We’ve seen that happen and cheer it because we want the a$$hole gone. So, why are you up in arms about a company saying “we don’t want that content here. It violates our terms. You have to leave.” People don’t have the absolute right to say and do whatever they want without consequences. If they violate the terms of engaging with a business, that business can terminate the relationship. Full stop.
If you think Parler should be deplatformed because of a minority of idiotic views on it then you should be ok with doing the same with Twitter and Facebook. If you’re not ok with it then you’re just someone who doesn’t agree with Parler’s target audience, and are ok with banning people for disagreeing with you.
As much as some people want it to be the case, a few cherry picked post from Parler doesn’t mean it was a hub of racism. Much like a few cherry picked posts from Twitter doesn’t mean it’s a communist or anarchist platform. Even if it’s legal it doesn’t mean it’s right because the law was never the arbiter of morality. It’s also the unpopular speech that need to be protected not the popular speech.
D1, yeah it pissed me off. I love my country.
I agree. We shouldn't promote antisemitic, conspiracy laden, hatred platforms. Go to the dark web with that trash.
I'm not, censorship is a bad thing and taking it a step further and banning platforms for not censoring is even worse. Not that I actually think that was the primary motive, I think the tech giants saw an opportunity to rid themselves of an upstart and did so claiming it was principle. Twitter doesn't censor a ton of horrible stuff so I don't buy that they actually care about offensive content. The fact that this was a coordinated purge by Google, Apple, and Amazon all at once is nothing short of monopoly behavior. It's a really bad thing in my view that this did not upset a lot more people.
The irony is that all the January 6th Qanon and Antifa attacks on the Capitol were coordinated on FB and Twitter, not one of the people arrested even had a Parler account. But that didn’t matter I guess.