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Hillary Clinton pants suit or a Washington Commanders jersey
G1 that is a damn smart idea!!
Lighter wash jeans, black turtleneck, blazer, loafers
M1 is right. Just need to be specific, a Veronica beard blazer. Boom. Fashion.
Rising Star
Whatever I feel like for that day.
A cute casual dress and comfortable shoes
Dress and white sneakers
Dress, sandals, a shawl or pretty scarf and a cute purse/earrings
Thanks everyone! I want to stress on the comfort since we’ll probs be walking quite a bit. I think make a turtleneck sweater dress with a slide slit and boots. The day we’re going it’s cold :/
I was nervous that the turtleneck would cine across as stuffy
I would wear some cute loafers or trainers with a blouse and jeans. Silver or gold accessories and wrist watch to dress it up.
A fun patterned dress if it’s an art museum. If it’s a history museum, perhaps more chic (sleek blazer etc). Cute sneaks for sure