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How much hike does pwc usually give?
Hi all Offer from SLK and citiusTech Role fullstack.. Exp 6 years in that 1 year fullstack. Beginner in - cloud Slk - tech stack banking Azure,. Net core, db migration Citius tech - .net core, angular, cloud tech. Ctc part both parallel Any suggesstionCitiustech Healthcare Technologies SLK
So yall all happy with yall comp plans?
All these estimates seem very high to me. I’d expect salary closer to $200k, maybe 20% bonus, and stock options that are not insignificant but also obviously a lottery ticket.
Rising Star
Salaries have gone up 10-20% for new in house tech hires in the past 18 mos according to MLA reports.
Pre-IPO gets tricky with regard to equity comp. I’m 7 years out and senior product counsel at a public tech company, and my TC is between 350 and 400. I’d say push for 400 but expect closer to 325-350 as a starting salary.
Starting total comp. Agree, base salary shouldn’t expect to be higher than ~$250k
Have heard 400k+ TC? I’m not senior though, and following
How senior? Different companies have that title but it means different things. How many YOE? Is it pre-ipo or publicly traded?
Pre ipo that might be high. I spoke to a few pre ipo companies (maybe not hyper growth and I have more experience) and they were generally in the $180k base range plus rsu’s. This was in the nyc metro area
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From personal experience (Bay Area): at a FAAG, with 8 years of experience, your are looking at a base of $225-250K, bonus of 20%, plus equity for a TC of approx $350-$370K. Outside of FAAG, 9 years of experience, recent IPO, you are looking more at something around $235K base, bonus of 15%, plus equity for a TC of approx $300-$320K.