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Hi all I am 10 yr experience and I was interviewed at AWS for SDE —2 but recruiter updated me that they think I will be good for System Engineer -2 . is anyone aware of System Engineer position ? How is this position different and how much total compensation I can ask ? AWS Amazon Also, can I make internal transition from System Engineer to SDE -2
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Anyone here work for HUGE?
Hey guys. Anyone know anything about MARC?
SVP/CDs, how much do you make?
What junior/senior positions are 6 figures in the Midwest? Cuz it sure ain’t and hasn’t been mine.
I started on the east coast and was paid very little. Moved here and am being paid far more than enough. I think it’s an industry thing, not necessarily a market thing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Well yes, $200k is fair for 20 years exp. you’re under paid, but need a little wake up call and new strategy for your own brand. Focus on yourself and what you’re worth. Don’t complain about other people or point at them and say “but they are. It’s unfair.” (Unless you can without a doubt prove a systematic issue of pay discrepancy based on sex/race/etc). Make a list of your value, your contributions, your homework on other salaries for comparable title and tenure. Make a case. And start sending out your resume. Sometimes, a company will say - if you can get paid more somewhere else, go. It sucks, but go find it. If you can’t, start trying to take on new things. Learn new skills, manage someone. Build up the list and repeat. Good luck to you
Thank you for the very well thought out and helpful response! You have definitely given me some great ideas to take with me on this next step in my career.
Hmm, I think it is an industry thing. So frustrating...
Agreed. Not 6 figures over here either
Our online artist makes nearly $200,000, our executive producer is over $100,000. Our creative editors are just about at 6 figures, etc.
And our front desk emoployees make more than me, because they are part of the production side of our company which is "a completely different company"
Bottom line, you cannot make a living off of $33,000. Not with student loans, and all other bills. And not when you're working 10-13 hour days stuck in a technical ae position where you can't even grow.
Most people are right here: time to leave and make things happen for myself. I can't keep working for a company that only cares about the bottom line and not what's good for their creative team.
Where does an online artist make $200k? You’re leaving something out - how many years? What’s their responsibility? Do they lead a team?
Minneapolis. 20 years experience. Etc.
It seems senior level Account salaries have been lowered $30-40,000 in the past few years. It’s awful out there
Welcome to advertising, I guess? It's low everywhere anywhere you are - even abroad.