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Kelp. You know, its like the new kale.
Hi Microsoft fishes,
Can you please suggest the roles one can get in Microsoft if they are coming from a management consulting background?
My skills are mostly in market research and have very good proficiency in Excel/powerpoint while being a very beginner of python/R.
Total corporate YoE - 4 years.
Thanks for reading the post :) Microsoft
When Lambo? 😞
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Funniest post I have seen on LinkedIn haha
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Liking the Office is not a personality trait
I’m not going down on you until you take a shower
That’s not a hard truth. Those are happy showers for me because I know I’m about to get some 🧠 hahaha
a hot dog IS a sandwich
Taco is a sandwich, cube rule is a lie
Having a dog isn’t a personality trait
I can absolutely see myself marrying you, but now isn’t the right time, so I have to break up with you.
Young and not as polished as I am now...definitely didn’t need to share it but didn’t want her to blame herself for anything. Ugh...that was a sad time.
"fluent in sarcasm" isn't the selling point you think it is
Had to tell a family member that they are not as smart as they think they are
Trump is actually only the second best president we’ve ever had.
Who was first, Andrew jackson
You should find another career, if you stay you could end up killing you or someone else.
Note: This isn’t suicide or violence related, had to do with a skilled tradesmen
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Feel like you all had it easy..