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Happy GMTuesday everyone!

Any Colorado agencies going remote?
Hey guy, I have this book out. Wondering if you could help me spread the word. It teaches you how to write KPI’s for an IDB perspective. I am in the market to switch career back to my original so I am open to assist especially non-profits address their data issues. Anyway guys if interested send me a DM.

Additional Posts in The Worklife Bowl
Another shining example of voter suppression, folks. This is American democracy. Link below:
“Kentucky cutting number of polling places for Tuesday’s primary from 3700 to 200
There will be one polling place for 616,000 registered voters in Louisville’s Jefferson County, where half of the state’s black voters live.”
Shaved my head. Feels good to be bald!
PCR is close to 100%
Hard to determine given the variation in people who get tested. Someone who is getting tested randomly, it’s probably ~0% false negatives. I think the early studies were showing 20% false negatives (this was when testing was severely limited to symptomatic/known contact)
Also depends on when you get tested. One week after infection is when the tests are most accurate. Would recommend doing your own research here on PubMed or CDC docs
Rising Star
I bet it was that 🧶 😷
It was later reported that she had a filter mask underneath
Rising Star
I’ve heard from a handful of friends that had symptoms and were initially testing negative with the nose test then positive with a blood test.
Rising Star
I believe it.
Heard there’s going to be a who’s the boss reboot!
Yeah but sounds like it almost wasn’t to be...
My understanding is false negatives are fairly common. Doctors say you should quarantine the full 14 days after exposure even if you get a negative test, and hospitals may test symptomatic patients twice if the first test is negative d
This was a case of a false positive antibody test, not a false negative covid test. The antibody test is significantly less reliable than the Covid-19 test. Depending on parameters, it’s as low as 32% accurate.
And still the CDC refuses to approve more types of tests that may be faster in providing results because they need the accuracy.... 🙄
Rising Star
To add, bad tests are arguably worse since people may change behavior based on a test result.
False negative not uncommon given the amount of people being tested and spread of disease. To be fair though the antibody test probably has a higher chance of false positive.
I know everyone’s different but my aunt went to the hospital for very clear COVID symptoms, tested negative. Three days later she worsened, was retested and was positive. She died that night. I have the medical report. It’s perplexing.
@D2 thank you. They did keep her in the hospital but she wasn’t in a quarantined area (which raises serious safety concerns for others of course..) and it seems the treatment wasn’t aggressive enough. We’ll never really know exactly what happened. This was during the severe chaos in NYC late March.
Talk about a Tinder profile pic.