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What do you do when you work for a company that has been acquired and everything changes? Everything is remote so there is no in person meetings, we are so busy they have taken all team meetings away and have mandatory overtime. We have lost so many people and I feel that the ones that have stayed are not being appreciated AT ALL! They are not providing ANY type of incentive for the ones who do show up and EVERYONE is getting burnt out. I am looking for another job outside of company.Empower Retirement
Anybody know an employee at John Deere?
Really laid back lifestyle group
They’re technically human beings
I should hope so :D Please elaborate…did you work there or know someone who does/has?
You won't find any milbank associates with any free time to tell you
Lol what? It's always been and always will be a sweat shop
It's like Miltank the pokemon but a lot more creditors involved.
FWIW, I’ve been across from Milbank a few times and I respect them, both as attorneys and as people.
This is maybe worth $0.01
I hear really good things about them. They have a reputation for providing wlb and having good culture. I think they offer great benefits as well.
Worked there prior to a big group lateraling from SRZ - prior to that group coming it was full of nice partners that were so crushed they'd straight up ignore you, and senior associates that were pretty awful human beings.
I've heard the SRZ people (it was literally an addition of 10 or so people including non-SRZ laterals into a group of 20ish) had a very different culture, but can't comment on that myself
Very competitive. It feels overwhelming at first but you'll get used to it. Are you planning to apply?
Just curious and tapping into the collective wisdom/knowledge to inform my trajectory. I feel this question should be asked for each firm. Thank you all for your contributions.
Don’t work there but I’ve worked with some folks and I enjoyed it
Culture is overwhelmingly positive ,but long hours and noncompetitive market salary offers make it tough for employees to stay long.
… is this sarcastic?