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I disagree with the no CS with certs being tossed out.
Agreed. I’ve had to learn how to interview this talent group differently from the talent that comes with a stamp to better cut through the imposters
Good schools, a track record of learning for learning’s sake, no independent contractors who hustled through shortcut certs but know nothing. I.e. if they have a sales force cert or database cert but no CS degree, then toss
Look at what they did in the last few roles. Were THEIR roles technically intensive and did they progress up in responsibility? Or are they one-trick ponies with one skill for 30 years and no updates?
Get the smartest engineers on your project to do the interviews. They know the difference between who knows stuff and who is BSing.
thank you
Some of my best and humblest engineers didn’t come with an undergrad. Today they’re fulltime converts in PwC
Are you saying you can’t be great without a 4 year degree when you say, “...but OP wants great.”?
I guess my only feedback is to not categorically reject anyone without a 4 year degree.
AND regardless of how well or not this project goes, don’t be so arrogant to categorically reject ppl with a different past or assume the reasons behind their humility ;)
My biggest concern is based on a prior burn: Had contractors who weren't motivated to work through problems, but instead used every little hurdle as an excuse to just stop in their tracks. Maybe it was lack of experience, but it came across as lack of motivation since they were able to apply advice that others gave them without issue.
Contractors are there to do what they’re told and have no real incentive to buy in beyond doing what they’re word for word told. In fact, they’re likely to have more incentive to wait to be given explicit direction so that they don’t breach contract— if you’re looking for entrepreneurial, work through the problem, and get stuck-in type people... don’t get a contractor.