What is your investment preference: S&P 500 ETF or Berkshire B? And why?

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Treat yo self, BRKA, you’re worth it.


They’re two different classes of investments. One is an individual stock and one is an index. Can’t really give my opinion if I don’t ask some questions like what is the purpose of this investment and what does your portfolio look like

Purpose is a place to park my non-savings $$, likely for 5-10 year time horizon.

There’s plenty of mutual funds you could go for. I can understand why you’d put it in the index, but why did you pick BRKB? Also didn’t shed light on what the rest of your portfolio looks like

Assuming market cap weighted S&P 500, I’d go with Berkshire Bs. If you want to index the market, look into an equal weight ETF (RSP for example).

Do you know that in a recent interview, when Warren Buffett asked if an investor had a choice between choosing only BRKA/B or putting his/her money into the SP500, Buffet responded that the SP500 was a better choice. Just some food for thought.

One of the reasons stated... “once you have a reach a certain amount of capital to manage you quickly realize that achieving the same levels of return as you did in previous years is much harder. Essentially when you have billions of dollars to invest it becomes much harder to find companies that are “good” investments that have enough liquidity and market cap for you to park a few billion in.

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