OD/OCM practitioner (C) here currently with USI, looking to connect with leads from Deloitte Canada. Have about 6YOE, DE implementations/tech adoptions. Niche would be Finance and payroll processes (strong exp. in Finance transformation projects). Also, an AWS cloud practitioner and can take up cloud transformations projects. Versed with SAP SF, SAP S/4HANA, Fiori, Oracle JDE and Google cloud (few modules). Anyone willing to connect/provide referral, tryna understand the process.
<10% of total net comp
I rent, and live in the same place I did as a BA (aka shoebox). Also splitting rent with gf, so...
~15% of TC post tax
Yes, we are. This is our newest office.
30% of base, 20% of total comp. Mortgage including mtc fees.
40% of net on mortgage + maintenance fees + property tax
35% on mortgage utilities and tax out of net salary
Conversation Starter
0% live at home
Just under 30% of after tax base for mortgage/ property tax/ maintenance fees - I keep year end bonus for additional savings, safety net and/or RRSP contribution
12% of base post tax and 10% of TC post tax
Community Builder
50% on mortgage
21% post tax and deductions as a renter. Going to likely move to 17% when switching to a mortgage.