Talk to a financial advisor and develop short and long term financial goals and strategies based on your priorities and plans for life. Do not ask or follow random strangers such as us on social media for financial advice.
Max out on 401k Pay off any other debt with high interest Save for a down payment on a house Buy a house .... And put some into the stock market - ETFs etc
Someone else mentioned and I am going to second. 1% interest rate. Highest out there, great for savings accounts! My plan is to save enough for a place next.
Talk to a financial advisor and develop short and long term financial goals and strategies based on your priorities and plans for life. Do not ask or follow random strangers such as us on social media for financial advice.
"Just one word, PLASTICS, there's a great future in plastics, think about it."
Humblebrag training?
Save, save, save. Put at least six months salary in savings.
One word: Plastics.
I could give you my account number...? Just an idea
I would invest heavily in mustard futures.
You could go back to school after paying them off.
DO NOT TALK TO A FINANCIAL ADVISOR they will just steal your money. B
Put it into retirement savings. Or my retirement savings. Either/or.
Going to be a nice extra sum each month. Make sure all debts are paid off then consider a high yield savings account such as
And contribute more to your 401k or Roth.
Buy all the paper clips.
Would suggest maxing out 401K and saving for a house.
Buy that Boy With A Pipe.
Amsterdam! 😂
How much money do you make? How much do you pay for mortgage or rent! Tell us all the info. How could you afford 2k a month?
Max out on 401k
Pay off any other debt with high interest
Save for a down payment on a house
Buy a house ....
And put some into the stock market - ETFs etc
Someone else mentioned and I am going to second. 1% interest rate. Highest out there, great for savings accounts! My plan is to save enough for a place next.