What should significant others do if they don’t live together and we’re enforcing stay in shelter?

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I mean, you can self isolate together...


I think walking would be the least impactful. You could ride a Citibike. Maybe wait out a few more days. Chances are you’d be stuck together for a day or two

Break up


Phone calls/face time. Not much else you can do. Everyone has to make sacrifices


Either quarantine together, walk to/from each other’s apartments, or FaceTime a lot are really the only options starting next week.


So those are the only options? Is it not smart to go back and forth to each other’s places if we are 30 mins walking distance?


The guy I’m seeing and I are very new so we just Uber (very very carefully) back and forth 2–3 times a week. It’s risky but can’t just be with each other all the time lol

I think ubers will still be operational

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