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Kelp. You know, its like the new kale.
“I love her feet”
“I want a Gucci sweater.”
CW: the peloton ad is white culture
Health insurance is for pessimists
The advice others have given is good. I just want to add: don't trust her. She's not a friend. If she talks about your boss, she'll talk about you and everyone else.
Gary Vee (and others) say to remove toxic people from a business, as they’ll cause a great deal of harm and ultimately take the business away from its potential. Talking badly about one’s boss internally isn’t acceptable, let alone outside to customers.
Tell your friend to stop. Everyone talks (esp. in the service industry) it’ll come back to bite her so fast when your boss hears about it, because your boss WILL hear about it.
Tell them to stop and distance yourself from this person. They should never complain about their employment or boss to clientele.
Sounds like she's trying to curry favor with those customers. Maybe she's low-key hatin on her boss being the boss now or the entire being of the boss. Whatever the case,never trust her again.
Beyond what others have already stated and the ethical issues about your coworker disparaging the business (and potential fallout), this is where friendships at work become tricky.
My rule of thumb is if two people are already friends before working at the same company, they don’t work in the same team, and neither ever reports to the other. If they become friends while at work, the professional relationship takes priority - the friendship takes the backseat.
It keeps things in perspective. You need the paycheck more than a lunch buddy. And if the lunch buddy is trashing the business, you have no paycheck - and no friendship.
You could say something like you over heard customer saying how one of the bartenders told them something and that you don't know who so they can address the team as a whole
ı prefer speaking with my boss.
Realize that small minds talk about other people. Great minds talk about ideals, goals, self improvement, helping others, etc. Try to be the bigger person.
Never throw shade about others to anyone at a workplace