If sales job, focus on revenue generated If tech job, focus on technologies used and what you achieved with them If anything else, focus on the measurable value you brought to the team/project/firm/client
For example, as consultants we do A LOT given the number of clients and projects we work with/on. Is best practice to put- “Help clients with X Y Z” or “Helped a manufacturing client with the development of XYZ”?
Uber /anyone any tips to prepare for a case study with strategy & operations. The role has some depth with data analytics and not sure if these case studies are a different beast than general consulting case studies
Hey Amazon employees, I need your help! I have successfully passed the online assessment for Cloud Support Engineer and my initial phone screen is tomorrow evening. What should I expect? How should I prepare? Thanks In advance!
Any advice on standing out at Google? I have a close friend from BCG there that is willing to refer, but haven’t had any luck getting past the recruiter before despite the referral.
If sales job, focus on revenue generated
If tech job, focus on technologies used and what you achieved with them
If anything else, focus on the measurable value you brought to the team/project/firm/client
Emphasis on measurable
For example, as consultants we do A LOT given the number of clients and projects we work with/on. Is best practice to put-
“Help clients with X Y Z” or “Helped a manufacturing client with the development of XYZ”?