I take a trip to Germany, rent a Hertz, get in an accident, was rich famous designer, have amnesia, cannot work, don't remember my rich fiance. Do I hold trial in Germany or the USA? And what's included in my case? It was a partial fault, I was racing, other driver sped and pulled into opposite lane to pass traffic when we collided. My partner and I inhebriated with pot, car was partial autonomous with handicap controls becuase it was the last left in luxury.
Rising Star
1. Base is guaranteed, bonus isnt
Not necessarily
Base always
Put differently - highest guaranteed amount.
Last two companies I've worked at, the stock programs netted me a total of zero dollars. First company (tech startup) got sued by their investors for fraud, and is struggling to stay afloat. Stock program cancelled/zeroed in the financial restructuring. Most recent company (established/slightly larger than boutique sized consulting firm) sold off my practice on Dec 30. They vest shares and make annual share disbursements on Dec 31. Neither situation had anything to do with my performance at all, but cost me significantly given the "total compensation" package outlined. So yeah, anything that has to vest, in my book, is nothing more than monopoly money. Some will work out great, but buyer beware. It's not always "as long as I hold up my end of the bargain, the company will hold up theirs"