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Hi Sharks, Need help. I have an offer from IBM and I have cleared the technical round of Atos. HR is asking me to send the offer letter of IBM. What should I do ? Tech stack - Mainframe CCTC 6.2. YOE - 6.5 Years Atos Offering 19.5 LPA
Infosys Cognizant Accenture IBM Capgemini Deloitte EXL Service Wipro
Shana tova 💓
A good salary for Toronto? I would say if you’re living alone in Toronto, 150k+ is good. You could live fine off a lot less than that, but IMO this is “a good salary”.
25 yrs old - $80k (Was fine, I was definitely on a budget)
28yrs old - $140k (felt very comfortable -1 bed 1 bath never worried and saved a lot)
32 yrs old - $240 k (Concerned about housing vs lifestyle trade offs for when I start a family. I feel like you either commute or live small)
I think Vancouver housing is more unattainable. Many of the condos seem more affordable. Typically worse jobs as the market is so much smaller.
Sure C2 - ~6 YOE in Financial Services industry, MBA, ~2 years MBB!
I think MBB salaries are a bit more pegged to US colleagues vs CN market. Makes exits in Canada tough.
Toronto pays more than Vancouver. You should be able to break 100k easily as a consultant if you continue on that career path in Toronto.
Hard to say more beyond that without details.
I'm single, 27 and on 200k now with a boutique and housing is the main reason I'm scared to leave consulting. I have many friends who are in a similar boat in I-banking and want to pay down a significant portion of their mortgage before quitting for corporate.
If we're having trouble, I can't imagine the rest of our friends who aren't as fortunate as us. I honestly think the right answer is to move away from the GTA.
Senior consultant 26 yo - 105k plus small bonus
Manager 27 yo - 120k plus small bonus
Senior manager (different firm) 29 yo - 180k plus 15% bonus plus 30k per year long term investments
What do directors start at?
Good if single over 80. Good if family 120.
With a pinch of salt, it's tough to break into the six-figure CAD range unless your skills are niche. That said, if you are single and live close to subway, 75-85k should be good enough. However, if you are the sole breadwinner for a household, no amount is perfect.
Anything in the 80k-100k range if you are single will be comfortable. However, once you start looking into having a family and a house, you probably need 150k+.
I now make 225k and wish I had bought a house after graduating 5 years ago rather than now given the market... It's hard to afford anything decent.
Let me know if you're hiring. 12+ yrs tech strategy.
I think this is standard/typical. They say industry (client side) pay less and “2 years in industry is 1 in consulting” BS. I think stick to consulting then transitioning to industry when you’re at the level you’re happy to be at.
For me, I’d love to be a program lead some day and I will probably get to director level in consulting before I join the other side.
Thanks for all of your insights! Gives me a better idea of realistic income goals in Canada.
Sorry let me clarify - I wanted to know if I have the potential to make more than what I currently make. It seems 80k is the top for most jobs here in Vancouver and it would take a lot of effort to make more than that.
How are employers hoping that people make ends meet, especially housing with 80k?
Okay... I made 82k base with about 5 YOE, back in the early 2010s, in a lower COL city in Canada. 80k is still a good salary, but it all depends where you are in life. I’d say 120K in Toronto and you’re making good money, nowadays. You can always make more, but it starts to become harder unless you’re in specific industries.
I’m at 220 working 40 hr weeks. Big tech FTW. Get a job at workday as a consultant or sales rep!
You guys hiring?