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Talented AF
I have zero idea what Cheil Worldwide is. I didnt realize he’d left twitter.
I agree with the “air of mystery at Chiat” assessment, but I think he got screwed over with the arrival of fancy Brazilians on Gatorade and suddenly he didnt have much to do. He’s a quiet dude, comes off as too cool for school but actually shy, that type of thing.
Favorite fun fact: remember that famous, viral-before-youtube-existed clip of the actor with numchucks in an audition who does a backflip, hits his head, and tries to get up and keep doing numchucks? He was auditioning for a spot for Jayanta.
Just how fancy were those Brazilians? Are we talking Prada shoes level?
Yeah what’s the deal with talented & kind people playing their cards extremely well and rising to the top of the game?!
Seriously - this is probably the most refreshing industry gossip thread I’ve ever seen. Nice to see the good guys win for a change.
Very cool guy
Worked with him years ago. Nice guy. Smart. Talented. Great sense of humor.
7 years at WK before Chiat.
Jayanta is a really nice & talented guy.
He sort of just mosied around Chiat while I was there. Aloof. Big into IG photography and DJing more than banging on the work. That said, his tenure at Twitter was pretty inspired and I heard great things about his time prior to Chiat.
Wish I knew but another walled garden
Had an aurora of cool and mystery at Chiat. Didn’t work enough with him to have a fair opinion, but have heard mixed things from people who directly reported to him since then.
May I see it?
Cheil is a really shit agency though. Hope he can withstand the Korean bureaucracy.
Re: also founded, has given some inspiring talks too.
He won’t last a year there
Cheil has an eye for hiring great talent (case in point: JJ), but has a terrible time keeping anyone more than a year. Best of luck sir.
Nothing to do with their eye for spotting talent. They just throw cash at you.
Good guy and very talented. Glad to see he's doing well.