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Hi Fishes
I have an interview scheduled with Accenture India Strategy for the manager position in there Supply Chain & Operations practice.
Any ideas on what kind of questions I should expect?
Case study?
Scenario based questions?
Any inputs would be really helpful.
Thanks in advance!
Accenture India
Anyone from/around Rajahmundry?
Make a key column by concatenating the two criteria columns and look up with that. Kind of ugly, but worls
If you needed it to be a bit more aesthetically pleasing you could write a nested if statement in your key column returning “Yes” if the data meets both criteria, or “No” if not.
=ifs allows you to have multiple criteria
Google “index match array formula”, should do the trick. Otherwise have a service column that combines the different criteria appropriately, then hide it away.
So you’re looking for a multi-criteria lookup formula?
There is also filter formula if you want all the matches to be returned.
You can do textjoin(delimiter,filter array if you want it in a single cell
The filter function is the only answer you’re looking for. And if you want to sort the listing in a certain order you would add the sort function followed by filter function
I would suggest a textjoin(delimiter, sort(unique(filter... to put in single cell too
Filter function, but if you’re bored and wanna learn some black magic excel google an index match array function
Yes, but index match match won't work bc the criteria is listed down each column.
Bowl Leader
Concatenate the lookup criteria in the columns to create a single, unique identifier then use a lookup function like you normally would.
Yeah it’s definitely not sumif. I would concatenate a key as A1 said
Iferror and index match
If(and) or vlookup.
That is an index match or lookup(v, x etc)
You can combine vlookup and choose; but it’s pretty expensive from a resource perspective.
The new xlookup.
The answer is what I term a "multi-match":
=INDEX([return column],MATCH(1,([search column 1]=[criteria 1])*([search column 2]=[criteria 2]),0)
Enter as array formula (press 'Ctrl+Shift+Enter')
Note you can add as many criteria as you want in the MATCH by adding more instances of "...*([search column #]=[criteria #])"