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Anyone want to go to a paint night ?🥺
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When your promoted do you get additional GSU?
Accepted a l5 consultant level offer from Google recently. This was 1 level down from the other position I started interviewing for before it went on hold. I do feel a bit down leveled and a compromise on comp as I didn't have competing offers from other fang.
I see another role open, probably at l6 for lead consultant, same location (austin)Austin. Is it OK to go back to recruiter and ask for this role/position? Google
Hi fellow g/x-ooglers , I have an interview for a product tech manager in google in upcoming weeks. I come from data science/BI background at Looking at job careers description it seemed like a mix of product and business intelligence role because there was a little mention of web tech. There’s a focus of building data product which I do at Amazon. HR material says it is a technical solutions consultant role, lot of data structures, web technologies. Is my profile relevant? How should I prepare Google
5 months! Recruiter here who worked on their Xoogler packet :)
Swim ;)
8 weeks!