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Any tips for final interview round?
What is the WFH situation in JP Morgan Chase
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175k TC in oil and gas tech sales
Any tips for final interview round?
What is the WFH situation in JP Morgan Chase
175k TC in oil and gas tech sales
$60k. But I’ve been in sales for over 15 years.
Sane here. Take nothing less. 60k doesnt even cover the basics in some states.
52K a year
$65k w decent comp plan and benefits
Base can be important, but it's all about total compensation packages (TCP). More importantly, how realistic the TCP is.
I left a job with a $65K base and 1% of booked revenue commission. A good year was $125-150K TCP, while a bad year was right around $100K.
The job I took, to get my base up, was $130K TCP off of a $90K base. The problem was goals were unobtainable as bonuses got tied to corporate performance...meaning you hit your goal, but there's a 40% cut on bonuses because the overall business missed it's target...a target that constantly moves, IMO so as not to pay big bonuses and commissions to sales.
Currently, I'm on a 60/40 plan, meaning 60% of my income is base, 40% incentive (commissions/bonuses). That looks something like $200K "at plan", as in hit quota, that's the TCP number. Of course there are accelerators (crushing plan) and decelerators (missing plan) that can swing the TCP. USUALLY, however the downside is limited while the upside is rather lucrative.
Many here don't seem to understand what ENTRY LEVEL means. Entitlement is at an all time high and it's hilarious. Despite inflation, entry level in most industries is around $35k-$45k.