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Monster India is thrilled to launch T.R.I.U.M.P.H - India’s first ‘Diversity & Inclusion’ event.
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Additional Posts in Interview Tips
Why do you want to work for my company?
They are in sales. Not sure about the BFF, but always remember you are probably not their first priority.
It’s probably worse because your date possibly is aiming for a relationship. Your recruiter probably isn’t.
A few years ago I had a super nice recruiter that set me up with an interview for an inside sales job. the company was desperate for hires and offered me the job within 2 days at like 40k base. I had another interview going on for an 80k role so I declined and the recruiter called me immediately yelling at me that I’m throwing away an incredible opportunity and she can’t believe I would be so ignorant to choose an offer I don’t have over the offer I do have. I got the higher paying role like a week or so later lol and I haven’t worked with a recruiter since
Yikes!!! That’s terrible to be treated that way. I’m glad things worked out for you. I’ve def learned my lesson— no recruiters- no matter how nice they seem at first!