I am in discussions with a firm about creating a business development role and they are asking me my salary requirements. I currently do BD/marketing but am curious if my current salary is on par, low or high. What is your salary and what is your level (director, manager, etc), industry and region? Thanks!
Within a day or two, but honestly I have stopped doing this cuz in my experience it does not matter
That’s silly. Maybe it depends on the industry but I have literally never sent a follow up email in my life.
I feel like it could make sense for smaller firms or those with less structured processes. But for anything where they’re going through many applicants, it just swamps their inbox with completely non-genuine and zero value add notes.
If you’re so thankful, just say “thanks” with your mouth like a normal person at the end of the interview.
Not right after the interview, but a few hours later. That worked for me.
I have an interview next Tuesday and I will do this, it will be hilarious and it will actually make me stand out haha
it usually doesn’t matter, but sometimes it does.
it can’t rescue you if you bombed or are a distant #2
But I’ve been in many panel calls and here are the situations where a well-done one might (well-done = you mention specific aspects of the convo, you’re charismatic, not just “thanks for interviewing me earlier)
- there are two candidates neck and neck
- people doubted how badly you wanted to be at the company. this is always VERY IMPORTANT to companies, especially startups and banks (two places where people love to drink the koolaid)
- you get to someone before they fill out their greenhouse scorecard (which means same day, Greenhouse sweats interviewers to do it)
- you send one to everyone and they’re all good (at my old company we used to always share these in the hiring channel so everyone has visibility… this is also a reason not to send the same one to everyone)
- the hiring manager really wants to hire you but they’re in a battle with someone on the panel… sometimes the thank you note is a nice little nudge
If you want it to have max value, send same-day.
I would say it's best to do so by the end of the next day after you've had your interview.
I agree! Timing is important. I say send it a few hours after the interview.
I try to send it within 24-48 hours. I would say no longer than 48 hours. The sooner probably the better.
Hi! You can send it at the end of the day. You can also send it the next day.
In my experience it doesn't really matter. You can send it right away or a few hours after. Anyway, it won't affect the results of your interview.
Visual Storyteller
It really doesn’t matter. If I’m sending a follow up email a week later regarding wether or not I’ve been offered the role, I’ll mention the interview and gratitude for their time.
I usually send it within 24-48 hours of the interview but I always send an email along with a hand written note. It may not make a difference bu I still think it is respectful so I still do it. It def doesn't hurt to always send onel