Hi folks,
I'm Android Developer having 8 YOE, have recently joined a company like 2 months ago, the company is good in terms of everything, I'm hired as a manager but I feel the position isn't suitable for me, one the position is 95% non technical, I feel like I will not achieve much from the company. I feel like quitting the company but having no other option, I can't do much, tried applying for jobs but no luck so far, I got hardly 2 calls in last 10 days. Pls refer me, Thank you.
Defo not McK
OC&C 7k for entry level
OW was 7k at entry level a few years ago, and that’s a decent one
I got 3k after starting at Atkins and only 1k from PA once I joined their grad scheme
£4k (10% of Y1 salary) from ZS.
6 years old info though.
Rising Star
QB did £10k for me back then
That’s solid. Nice one
Got £7.5k at Newton Europe but it can be a lot lower, depending on the start date you choose.
52+6K for Strategy& London
Conversation Starter
Visual Storyteller
Accenture used to do a pretty decent sign-on bonus I think.
Doesn’t it replace annual performance bonus though? Used to when I left uni
OC&C and OW leading the pack here. Anyone higher than £7k I wonder? That’s pretty generous
Banks usually pay ~10k I believe in IB for signing, but that's not the question you asked
Is sign on bonus taxable?
Yep. Just like normal pay unfortunately
Conversation Starter
Anyone know what it is at BCG/Bain?
49.5/49.7k + 3k sign on at BCG and Bain respectively