While de-escalating a situation or dealing with a child having an outburst I tend to notice outside coworkers coming in my room to offer help or just check in. I find this doesn’t help it actually makes the situation worse. Would it be rude of me to send out an email asking them not to interrupt since it can make the situation work. I know most of the time it’s cause they are being nosy.

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Send an email explaining that unless they have a trusting relationship with the student having an issue, you would prefer to handle a situation yourself.
Another way to handle it is to create a crisis team of only 3-4 people. Explain to people that unless they are on the team you would appreciate them not coming in during a crisis situation.


If the other teachers have had CPI training, that’s a recommended procedure. They don’t need to be getting in the middle of things, but it’s nice to have witnesses and back up if necessary.


I have my para in my room with me and I have specific coworkers who know my kids and are on my team of back up is needed.

Yes, I’d explain it in an email. Nicely of course!


Let them know your concerns. I understand what you mean. However, sometimes you do need witnesses or back up. Maybe thank them and if they have experience in this area, tell them you will let them know. Good luck. Are these general education teachers? Other sped teachers could be helpful. Most of the time an audience makes situations worse.

My para is in my room with me and if I need help I do send out a call if needed. It’s a range of folks. I just don’t want the audience and usually I am so close to getting them calm and then someone pops in and starts the process over again. I also don’t appreciate some of the comments made.

You could let them know how they can help. Maybe at a staff meeting you could share with the staff what they CAN do when they see you in that situation. For example, maybe they can support another child nearby while you are supporting the one that is struggling.

I have a walkie talkie, in case of emergency. This is with or without staff in the room, as a safety precaution. As to the teachers who drop by or check on you, know their hearts is in the right place. Talk to your neighbor teachers and make a plan of action of what to do and follow if they come in during a child in crisis. Also, talk to your principal and see what they say.
Good luck.

As someone who works with students who have significant behavioral challenges, when any of us hears an outburst we peek into the room to make sure someone is dealing with it and to see if the teacher is okay. We don't say anything or enter the room unless the teacher involved asks us to. When I'm the teacher dealing with the outburst, I appreciate knowing that others are nearby should I need them. It has nothing to do with being nosy. Maybe you could help them understand that they shouldn't interfere or speak unless you indicate that you need them? I agree that having more people in the room, talking to the student or just being there, is more frightening or threatening to the student.

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