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I was supposed to have my second interview at Raytheon Technologies Corporation. I got an email three min before saying that they had a surprise fire drill and they had to evacuate the building and they needed to reschedule for next week. Do I need to to wait for them to reach back out or can touch base with them tomorrow? I don’t want to be obnoxious. 😅
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Why i am not able to view my own company bowl
Any business analyst from this bowl?
When are you mentioning it? Is it when the recruiter asks what you’re looking for in your next role?
I feel like I get better results / more information / less pushback when I just ask about the WLB at the end of the interview, rather than state what I’m looking for 🤔
I agree. It’s better to ask as a screening question so you get more flavor than discount yourself out with competition in mind of the interviewer. Subtle shift.
Completely agree!