Why am I scared and embarrassed to show affection towards my family, despite wanting to?

For example, sometimes I just want to hug my mom (I just graduated and still live at home) or even just say I Love You, but I Can't!

I have a really good relationship with my family so I don't understand why I can't just muster the courage to show affection?

I don't have any issues with showing affection to my SO...

Anyone have any ideas? Do I need a therapist?

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Question for you: growing up has your family showed that kind of affection to you?

And to your question about therapy: a therapist could help you explore these questions you posed in a safe and non-judgmental environment.


Did they show affection towards you growing up?

I’m the same with my dad. We have a great relationship but I can’t remember the last time we said I love you. Growing up he didn’t show much affection so I think that’s where it comes from for me. Me and my mom, on the other hand, are totally different.


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When and how did you find out you had functioning depression?

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A letter to my ex..

Please see comments. Apologies for the length


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I am not suicidal but I want to die more than I want to live.

Just needed to vent.


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