Why do firms have billable minimums or requirements for associates? This may be a stupid question. If an associate works really hard and delivers good work product in a timely manner, while also seeking additional assignments when needed, don’t the billable hours take care of itself? If I’m seeking more work and not getting any, whose fault is that? I’ve been told I do really good work. But this whole billable requirement thing really pisses me off.

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OP, I’m going to assume you’re new to the job. It’s not your job to work hard and deliver work product in a timely manner. It’s actually your job to bill hours your firm can sell. That’s the name of the game.


I disagree with this take. It depends on where in your career and what type of firm you are at. At our firm, the junior associates' job is to do good work. It's the partners (and senior associates to some extent) whose job it is to "sell" the firm's hours to clients.

Obviously it's a business and associates need to not just sit around twiddling their thumbs but I don't need some first year worrying about this crap instead of focusing on doing good work and growing as a lawyer.


As long as you are documenting that you are consistently asking for work and need more billable hours, the firm shouldn’t penalize you for low hours (unless you do actually have work to do and you’re missing things)


Oh Jesus, the last thing I (or our firm's malpractice insurer) want is some wet-behind-the-ears first year trying to bring in their own clients to meet their billable hours. This is probably important at certain smaller firms but if this is happening routinely at a biglaw firm, there is a problem.

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Well it’s a profitability issue. Billable minimums are typically for bonuses but you get your salary regardless.


Many firms don’t actually have a minimum billable requirement for bonuses and will keep you in good standing so long as you do good, timely work and seek work when slow. Simpson Thacher, Davis Polk and Cravath to name a few.

The practice of law vs the business of law.


OP- I agree in that sense. My firm gave leniency for the first year because we weren’t expected to be able to bill as efficiently or have the work/caseload if we were new attorneys/new to that area of law or weren’t lateraling from another firm. It was a forgiveness/grace period for the first year or until you bonused, whichever came first. Does your firm offer something comparable?

Same. I think it's like insurance for slow practice groups. For example, bankruptcy is slow, so the firm has a justification for not giving bankruptcy associates bonuses. Like how litigation ground to a halt during covid, so many litigation associates didn't get bonuses in 2020. But data breaches were out of control so incident response associates did get bonuses. It also plays a big role in satellite and small market offices where there may not be as much demand.


Fairly new to BL and feel the same way, author. It encourages bill padding and doing shoddy but time consuming work rather than good efficient work. It an issue with billable hours. As backwards as it sounds, efficiency and diligence is not how things are awarded


Billable hours is better for the firm, certainly. I'm just saying "better associates" are better for the firm, not better for the clients. The goal is to get the most money for the firm. Ideally, what's good for the client is good for the firm. However, in my opinion that is idealistic. It's really just about generating the firm money, if the client happens to benefit from that, great.

So you can get paid.

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