Why do guys always act weird after sex?

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Think that’s more of a reflection of guys you’re sexing, I’m chill af. Happy to meet and prove that


“Chill af” = falls asleep immediately after sex


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For some reason my response isn’t showing

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Screwed by Deloitte too many times, obv.


They don’t like you, they just wanted to sleep with you


I endorse this msg.



Curious what falls into the “weird” category here...




You are going after the wrong guys


Okay my fwb will literally finish, fart, laugh at his farts, dance, pee, dance, then goes to sleep with me.


EY4 I do the exact same thing as your fwb 😂


Basically going from 200 mph to 0 in less than a second


Weird as in they no longer seem interested


A2 Not sure why that makes you happy, but I love good stand up comedy and when other standup comedians I like said Patrice was one of the best, I looked for his material, and he was absolutely a great comedian.

The most important thing Iv learned in dating... Is there is a big difference between a guy wanting to have sex and a guy wanting to have sex with you... If he just wants sex, he’s might not want to connect on a more personal level after.


How do you tell?

We just want sex and once we get what we want, the excitement is gone. In the other hand, if I like a girl, cuddles all day even after. Do you actually have chemistry with these guys?


Going after wrong guys. Also, if a guy knows you are not compatible for relationship they will still think you are sex material. It’s really REALLY easy to sleep with a guy and it doesn’t mean they like you or you are special. If anything it means the opposite. If you don’t care and are not looking for a relationship, go for it. If you want a relationship, the solution is to lock it up and find out for sure if he’s into you or sex with you.


By weird do you mean grabbing their clothes and running out the door?


The Japanese have a word for this. Kenjataimu




Cause you’re not as good in bed as you think?


I don’t brag about things like that, that’s classless


I think you know the answer. I mean do you really like them anyways?


Spoiler alert guys are weird before and during sex as well.


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