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Update: I went to a park to work out instead to shake off the anxiety. Went back to the range. Got out of the car. Missed last call for buckets by 5 minutes 🙃
Try again another day! They’ll open again tomorrow.
Girl where you is!!! I sis here can come to the rescue
You can only edit or delete messages for a brief amount of time and her meaning was not lost
What! I’ll join! M here. Love to play golf! Let’s go… I’ll help you get past it! 😉
Because your chill ancestors didn’t survive.
Try to remind yourself of how happy you’ll be if you stick to the plan. Getting over that initial jump is always the hard part. You got this!
Visual Storyteller
I go to the range a lot and don't judge anyone. Maybe be impressed by some good golfers, but I'm there to get away from wife and kids and have fun.
Anxiety from crowds? I don't understand young people anymore. Imagine if you had the possibility of being drafted. Imagine if muggings were as common as they were in the 80's. Maybe try to intentionally do the exact most embarrassing thing - purposefully: go straight in and let out the biggest fart noise you can then loudly apologize so everyone knows its you. You may get a good story out of it. Carpe diem!
This is the least helpful thing ever. What you’re saying is the equivalent of ‘well you should eat your food because there are starving children in China.’
I used to have social anxiety, and while it was completely irrational, I still struggled with going into new situations or even going out with my friends because I was afraid of being judged or embarrassed. Everyone’s experience is different, and you don’t have to ‘understand young people’ to empathize.
The first time is hard… it gets MUCH easier.
What is a female fish
Oh well go in and have the experience don't be shy out . Well go ahead be brave .
Nobody at the range is interested in how good or bad you are.