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As someone who tried to build and market legal tech, it’s because people are not interested in new products and efficiency. Selling tech to biglaw is the most frustrating thing. The lawyers are too busy to look into it, the IT people don’t always understand the legal part of the tech, everyone is bewitched by AI BS that will not work when we literally still use MSWord as a typewriter. #endmorningrant2
True. We made ours work completely offline to avoid that.
My favorite thing was an interview with one of the knowledge management/tech people from a big law firm where they said basically I will not read any emails about products. If an attorney complains to me about a problem they have we might start looking into it. Otherwise we will ignore any outreach. Blah.
The amount of firms that don’t even have a simple large file send is astounding. We literally transfer large documents by email for a living and people have to call IT whenever there is a bounce back
also citrix BLOWS and basically encourages bad data practices. why do i need a perfect wifi connection to do LITERALLY any work? and even on perfect wifi, it’s still laggy af
Still pissed about the software we have for putting letterheads on documents, which fucking sucks. I know it’s not just me because our word processing people, when I sent a document to them to put it on a letterhead, took six hours and somehow edited the substance of the document…
It’s partly because Microsoft is the worst company. There are no real alternatives to Word so they don’t care about making the product actually function the way it’s supposed to. They do that with all their products
When google docs starts to support native dynamic cross-references, there will be no reason to keep using word. There are third party plugins now that work fine tho. It’s also an amazing tool for working collaboratively on drafts with clients.
Send it to your assistant or document services.
That's really unfortunate.
It’s a matter of learning to use the tools. Word and Relativity both are extremely powerful tools and huge timesavers if you know how to use them right. If you aren’t very good at formatting, there are a lot of YouTube vids and other free resources to learn. As to Relativity, ask your vendor for some training. Alternatively, why don’t you just outsource these tasks to a paralegal or admin support (word issues) or to your vendor (relativity issues)?