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Can someone help me out with my 401k contributions.
26 years old, make 187k base. For the past 3 years, I have maxed my 401k and was contributing 10% to traditional and 10% to Roth. I have about 125k in my 401k account, am down about 20% but I don’t really care/know it will correct it’s self. Im in no target funds all index/mutual funds.
How should I reallocate my percentages to traditional and Roth? Should I ONLY do Roth and not traditional? Does my company match on Roth or only traditional
Accenture @
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Any chance we’ll hear from booth tomorrow?
Fuqua or SOM for Big Tech S&O work?
New to Fishbowl?
unlock all discussions on Fishbowl.
I read online somewhere that more slots will be added as needed after Feb, but not sure what exactly “as needed” means. I can’t imagine they’d revert to only a test center option that soon though