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Its a good time to start learning Mandarin

Lol as if

Does anyone actually watch The Daily Show?
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He is Trump's personal attorney
Yeah nothing is going to happen because Republicans form up ranks to protect their own regardless of the circumstances.
What else can I do? When I write to him to express my concern, My R senator sends me form email responses and then votes for whatever Trump tells him to. I’m outraged yet powerless until 2020.
The dems are going to call him a meanie, such deep trouble
Cillezza’s lost all credibility. Three months ago he was one of the main proponents that Trump would be indicted for collusion and the ‘walls are closing in.’
As for Barr...
First off, Mueller has never claimed Barr’s summary contradicted the facts of the case. The complaint was that the tone of the summary didn’t really match the tone of the report and that Barr’s summary was being covered by the media in a way the staff didn’t like.
Those are hard things to prosecute someone over.
As for lying to Congress, the question was if Barr knew why the staff was upset. He said ‘no, but...’. As far as we know, Barr’s never spoken to the investigation staff so he can’t have direct knowledge of their complaint. He has a letter from Mueller that touched on tone and coverage, but that’s second hand information.
Barr’s going to be just fine